Individualised services with a vision – roadmap to integration
Our activities focus on…
Success can only be achieved together with minors and their families! We try to find…
We want…
We work together…
WIR empowers.
WIR Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gGmbH is an organisation adhering to flat hierarchies, transparency and horizontal structures. Decisions are taken quickly and without red tape, using short and direct channels of communication. Responsibili-ties within the organisation are clearly defined.
The headquarters of WIR Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gGmbH is based in Düsseldorf, Germany. Additionally, two decentral-ised regional agencies in Berlin and St. Wendel ensure proximity and a timely accomplishment of the measures supervised by us. Organisational units are interconnected in terms of content, structure and organisation.
WIR Kinder- und Jugendhilfe gGmbH was established as a joint project launched by the non-profit organisations phöinix e.V. and Individueller Jugendhilfe Service e.V. (IJS) in 2013.
WIR protects.
For the purpose of an active, regional and supra-regional exchange of information about current developments in youth aid and educational assistance, we participate in the expert committees of:
Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband and
AIM Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Individualpädagogik e.V.
and are members of
Bundesverband für Erziehungshilfen e.V. (AFET)
Internationale Gesellschaft für erzieherische Hilfen (IGFH)
Ombudschaft Jugendhilfe NRW e.V.
WIR connects.
International cooperation
We are in an continuous exchange with the Australian youth-welfare organization PIC Ltd. with the purpose to provide a platform of transnational encounter both for professionals of our sector as well as the young persons concerned.
Coordinators of WIR Kinder- & Jugendhilfe gGmbH have been welcoming Australian coordinators of PIC Ltd. to gain insight experiences in the diverse settings and approaches of Individualised Care / Individualpädagogik in Germany and hereby opening space for a professional discourse.
Based on such a productive exchange we´ve established continual meetings of coordinators of both organisations. We promote this as an important contribution to deepen international understanding and cooperation both on a professional and scientific as well as a human perspective in a globalised world. Such experience with other people and cultures depicts a huge treasure and professional chance.